Press Release

New website: City-Bahn online again!

Chemnitz - The City-Bahn has a new website. It has been online since midday today. For technical reasons, it may take up to a day for the site to be fully visible everywhere. The domain remains

The old website was getting on in years. That's why the City-Bahn launched the "new homepage" project last year. A cyber attack a fortnight ago, which also affected the old website, accelerated the go-live.

The new site is informative, tidy and up to date. I am delighted that we can now inform our passengers about timetable deviations and and faster than before about timetable deviations and changes. This information can be accessed from anywhere on - directly from our operations control centre.


Falk Ester

Press spokesman City-Bahn Chemnitz

Phone: +49 151 171 036 60